How to Keep Screens From Ruining Your Vision This is a good, brief article on how to help your vision when you’re stuck using computer screens for much of the day. Too many of us have to sit and work on a screen that isn’t usually a top-of-the-line screen for work and then we sit […]
Comments Off on Can screen time can affect your vision? Continue Reading...It’s spring in Portland so that means the National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Walk is fast approaching! The May 19th walk is Oregon NAMI’s main source of fundraising for the year. Overall, the funds support programs across the state, in over 15 different NAMI affiliates in Oregon– including ones in Multnomah, Washington & Clackamas […]
Comments Off on NAMI Walks Continue Reading...Age-Related Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in westernized societies. This video is one Opthalmologist’s review of why AMD has gone from a rare disorder in the 1850’s to the epidemic it has become today. The presentation is an hour long, but it is not real science heavy so it’s easy to follow. […]
Comments Off on Is Macular Degeneration Preventable? Continue Reading...We are thrilled to announce that we are now the proud owners of a brand new Optos Daytona Optomap Imaging System. This thing is super easy for the staff to use for incredible images of the inside of your eyes. As a patient, it’s as easy as looking through a hole in a fence. When […]
Comments Off on Introducing our new Optos Daytona Continue Reading...New York Knicks Ron Baker moisturizes his contact lens by putting it in his mouth Contact lenses do not belong in your mouth. Ever. The bacteria in your mouth can make your eyeballs really, really unhappy. And it’ll gross your eye doctor out. Just don’t do it.
Comments Off on Don’t do this Continue Reading...Does someone you love have a mental illness? Are you struggling with understanding their illness or with navigating the maze of trying to get them help? Or maybe you’re just worn out from the struggle and there’s too much stigma and too many myths about mental illness that it’s hard to care for yourself, let […]
Comments Off on NAMI Multnomah Family to Family course about to start Continue Reading...An easily avoidable tragedy that cannot currently be reversed once the damage is done. Boy burns retina by staring at small laser. A 9 year old burned a permanent hole in his retina by staring at a green laser while playing. The article goes into some detail about the risks and the FDA’s opinion on […]
Comments Off on Laser burns in a boy’s eye Continue Reading...If you still have them laying around, feel free to bring them in to our office and donate them to a good cause. Tigard Eyecare has joined Astronomers Without Borders as a collection site for used eclipse glasses. Astronomers Without Borders collects them to give out to schools in Asia and South America for the […]
Comments Off on Still have your eclipse glasses? Continue Reading...This is possibly the GREATEST STUDY EVER DONE! They gave 30 people either milk chocolate or dark chocolate and then measured their visual acuity 2 hours after ingestion and the dark chocolate people had better vision! Eat dark chocolate and see better! I can see the advertising campaign now! We’ll start selling dark chocolate bars […]
Comments Off on DARK CHOCOLATE INCREASES YOUR VISION! Continue Reading...I understand if the title throws you off- “what is a Snellen chart and why should I care?” That was my first response too- and I actually work in an Optometry office. (I’m not a Optometrist, but I could totally play one on TV.) The Snellen Chart is that screen of weirdly shaped block letters […]
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