Great little study about how people with higher levels of lutein & zeaxanthin have a lower risk of developing dementia later in life. It’s not a huge study, and it’s not a double-blind, randomized trial, but it does show a positive effect over time. I think this is a great starting point on the role […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Antioxidant Levels Linked to Reduced Dementia RiskI think I may be addicted. This is another blog post written by Microsoft’s Bing AI. I entered “benefits of sunglasses with UV protection” as the prompt. The difference in this article, is that on Bing, you can pick the conversational tone of the post- initially I chose the ‘informational’ tone. Bing Informational post about […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on It’s Gorgeous Out! Grab Some Sunglasses with UV Protection!You cannot find a news source anymore that isn’t screaming about the rise of chat bots that use artificial intelligence. It’s everywhere and it seems that all the major tech monopolies are rolling out their own versions of AI powered chat-bots. Microsoft transformed their Bing search engine into an AI bot that can write pretty […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on Latest Advancements in Care of Macular Degeneration-by Microsoft’s BingThis is a brief, poorly written article about new research into a method to reverse the vision loss due to macular degeneration. The process involves activating already present, but dormant glial cells in the eye which can then turn into retinal cells, restoring vision. It’s a process that occurs naturally in some fish species but […]
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